The Impact of Effectiveness of Luggage Arrangement on the Airplane Passengers’ Boarding Process
Seiring dengan terjadinya virus Covid-19 pada akhir tahun 2019 hingga saat ini, tentu sangat berdampak pada berbagai lini bisnis. Hal ini jugal dilihat oleh Mahasiswa MTD, yaitu Bapak Arianto Adjie Nugroho. Beliau telah berhasil merancang model simulasi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas boarding pesawat terbang. Sebagai mana diketahui, terdapat biaya yang sangat tinggi ketika pesawat harus parkir terlalu lama di bandara. Model simulasi dengan berbagai skenario telah disiapkan untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut.
Penelitian berjudul The Impact of Effectiveness of Luggage Arrangement on the Airplane Passengers’ Boarding Process telah berhasil diterbitkan pada jurnal Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering (Scopus Q2). Penelitian ini telah menemukan bahwa Ascending luggage arrangement method telah berhasil meningkatkan efektifitas boarding pesawat terbang. Berikut ini adalah abstrak dari artikel ilmiah yang telah dipublikasikan tersebut:
The Impact of Effectiveness of Luggage Arrangement on the Airplane Passengers’ Boarding Process
Written by: Arianto Ajie Nugroho and Muhammad Asrol
The boarding process is the role activity to maintain the airline’s efficiency in the turnaround process on the ground. One of the scenarios to optimize the boarding process is the arrangement of passengers who enter the plane based on the amount of carry-on luggage, adjusted to the selected boarding strategy. This research aims to develop an agent-based simulation model to increase the effectiveness of passengers’ boarding process by applying the luggage arrangement method for an airplane with a 180-seat configuration. The simulation results showed that applying the Ascending luggage arrangement method reduced the overall boarding process performance by 6.12%, while the Descending method increased boarding performance by 2.50%, compared to the standard Random method.
Keywords: agent-based simulation, aviation industry, luggage arrangement method, wave strategy, sensitivity analysis.
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