Student publication

Risk Management for Backlog Work Order in Petrochemical Company

Risk Management for Backlog Work Order in Petrochemical Company

Publikasi Mahasiswa: Palm Oil Sustainability: Current and Further Potential Research to Adopt Sustainable Development Goals 2030

Publikasi Mahasiswa: Palm Oil Sustainability: Current and Further Potential Research to Adopt Sustainable Development Goals 2030

Publikasi mahasiswa: Palm oil-based biodiesel industry sustainability model using dynamic systems to balance food, energy, and export allocations

Publikasi mahasiswa: Palm oil-based biodiesel industry sustainability model using dynamic systems to balance food, energy, and export allocations

Low cost carriers connectivity at major airport

Low cost carriers connectivity at major airport

Q1 Student paper: Hyperparameter optimization for cardiovascular disease data-driven prognostic system

Q1 Student paper: Hyperparameter optimization for cardiovascular disease data-driven prognostic system

Best paper award – ICOBAR 2023

Best paper award – ICOBAR 2023

Q1 Scopus Paper: State of Charge Estimation of Lead Acid Battery using Neural Network for Advanced Renewable Energy Systems

Q1 Scopus Paper: State of Charge Estimation of Lead Acid Battery using Neural Network for Advanced Renewable Energy Systems

Student Book Chapter: Mathematical Modelling for Optimizing Tourist Trip Design with Considering Scoring on Arc Visits

Student Book Chapter: Mathematical Modelling for Optimizing Tourist Trip Design with Considering Scoring on Arc Visits

Student paper: Discrete event simulation in hospital

Student paper: Discrete event simulation in hospital

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