Student Book Chapter: Mathematical Modelling for Optimizing Tourist Trip Design with Considering Scoring on Arc Visits

Mahasiswa Magister Teknik Industri telah berhasil mempublikasikan book chapter di Springer. Topik yang dituliskan pada book chapter ini adalah materi yang juga dibahas pada perkuliahan di Magister Teknik Industri. Berikut adalah book chapter tersebut:
Mathematical Modelling for Optimizing Tourist Trip Design with Considering Scoring on Arc Visits
Written by: Ryo Geoffrey Widjaja, A. A. N. Pewira Redi, Parida Jewpanya, Muhammad Asrol & Nur Layli Rachmawati
The generalized orienteering problem extends the orienteering problem, which maximizes the total collected score without violating certain constraints (distance or time). This paper introduces a generalized orienteering problem (GOP) considering arc visits later denoted as the generalized arc orienteering problem (GAOP). The differences from GOP scores are collected by visiting a node and the arc scores. The mathematical formulation of the problem is modelled equivalent with the GOP and arc scores, parameters, and constraints. Its growing application motivated the problem, mainly in tourist trip design. The result suggested a promising solution to a similar case when the implementation results successfully satisfied tourist users.
Modelling, Mobility, Metaheuristic algorithm, Tourism
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