
Update!: ICOBAR 2020 Conference

Update!: ICOBAR 2020 Conference

International Colloquium on Environmental Education (ICEE) 2020

International Colloquium on Environmental Education (ICEE) 2020

International Conference of Cybernetics and Intelligent System (ICORIS) 2020

International Conference of Cybernetics and Intelligent System (ICORIS) 2020

International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR) 2020

International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR) 2020

Guest Lecturer: Supply Chain Management di PT Aerofood Indonesia

Guest Lecturer: Supply Chain Management di PT Aerofood Indonesia

The Role of Engineers in the 4th Industrial Revolution

The Role of Engineers in the 4th Industrial Revolution

A Life Lesson: Fergyanto E. Gunawan

A Life Lesson: Fergyanto E. Gunawan

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