The 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Applied Science (ICoAAS)
The 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Applied Science (ICoAAS) is organized by Politeknik Negeri Lampung will be held in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The conference will be held on November, 21, 2021. Please submit your manuscript to the conference before the deadline. Please check conference scope below:
- Agriculture and Biotechnology
- Agriculture Engineering
- Agroindustry and Agribusiness,
- Animal and Fish Science,
- Food Safety,
- Security and Sovereignty,
- Food Science and Technology,
- IT for Agriculture,
- Renewable and Novel Energy Sources.
The conference will cover a series of presentations and discussions in plenary, and concurrent. It is aimed to bring researchers, academicians, scientists, students, and practitioners together to participate and present the latest research findings, developments, and applications related to various aspects.
For further information, please visit: