Keyword: conference

Risk Management for Backlog Work Order in Petrochemical Company

Risk Management for Backlog Work Order in Petrochemical Company

Publikasi Mahasiswa: Palm Oil Sustainability: Current and Further Potential Research to Adopt Sustainable Development Goals 2030

Publikasi Mahasiswa: Palm Oil Sustainability: Current and Further Potential Research to Adopt Sustainable Development Goals 2030

ChatGPT: A *Good* Copy Editor with Some Limitations

ChatGPT: A *Good* Copy Editor with Some Limitations

Prof Fergyanto as Keynote speaker at ICIMTech 2022

Prof Fergyanto as Keynote speaker at ICIMTech 2022

International Conference on Eco-Engineering Development

International Conference on Eco-Engineering Development

Co-Hosting Conference – BINUS University

Co-Hosting Conference – BINUS University

Best paper award – ICOBAR 2022

Best paper award – ICOBAR 2022

Webinar: Mahakam Oil and Gas Industry and Industry 4.0 Implementation

Webinar: Mahakam Oil and Gas Industry and Industry 4.0 Implementation

ICITDA 2021: International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications 2021

ICITDA 2021: International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications 2021

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