Advanced System Simulation and Modeling

Advanced System Simulation and Modeling (4 credits)

Course description:

The course provides the basics and procedures to develop model and perform simulations with micro- and macroscopic approaches. More specifically, the students will learn three simulation techniques: System Dynamics, Discrete-Event Simulation, and Agent-based simulation. With the knowledge, the students should be able to solve a wide range of problems in Industrial Engineering field.

Learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this Course, students will be able to:
• LO1: define basic concepts in modeling and simulation
• LO2: build a computer model for a given engineering system
• LO3: validate the developed model


• Introduction to System Dynamics (SD), Discrete-Event Simulation (DES), and Agent-based Simulation (ABM)
• SD – Introduction
• SD – System characteristics
• SD – Delays
• SD – Numerical Integration
• DES – Introduction
• DES – Queueing Models
• DES – Input Modelling
• DES – Verification, Calibration, and Validation
• ABM – Introduction
• Enrichment Activity: Student group presentation
• Enrichment Activity: Guest Lecture