
Supply Chain Performance: Inventory, Transportation and Suppliers

Supply Chain Performance: Inventory, Transportation and Suppliers

Student paper: Discrete event simulation in hospital

Student paper: Discrete event simulation in hospital

Metaheuristic approach for optimization problem

Metaheuristic approach for optimization problem

Teknik pre-processing dan classification dalam data science

Teknik pre-processing dan classification dalam data science

Heart disease classification using data science tools – a review and hands-on

Heart disease classification using data science tools – a review and hands-on

Paper dosen dan mahasiswa MTD masuk list Global Literature di WHO

Paper dosen dan mahasiswa MTD masuk list Global Literature di WHO

The Impact of Effectiveness of Luggage Arrangement on the Airplane Passengers’ Boarding Process

The Impact of Effectiveness of Luggage Arrangement on the Airplane Passengers’ Boarding Process

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis menggunakan Fuzzy AHP

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis menggunakan Fuzzy AHP

Publikasi Mahasiswa: Optimasi penggudangan dengan Fuzzy Logic

Publikasi Mahasiswa: Optimasi penggudangan dengan Fuzzy Logic

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