Keyword: writing

Student paper: Discrete event simulation in hospital

Student paper: Discrete event simulation in hospital

Bagaimana menentukan topik thesis dalam bidang teknik industri?

Bagaimana menentukan topik thesis dalam bidang teknik industri?

Rantai Pasok Industri Baterai Sel untuk Mobil Listrik (Electrical Vehicle) Di Indonesia.

Rantai Pasok Industri Baterai Sel untuk Mobil Listrik (Electrical Vehicle) Di Indonesia.

Academic Writing – Integrity, Thinking Academically, Structure and Feature

Academic Writing – Integrity, Thinking Academically, Structure and Feature

Publikasi Mahasiswa: Economic Feasibility Analysis in Developing 5G Infrastructure and Locations in Indonesia

Publikasi Mahasiswa: Economic Feasibility Analysis in Developing 5G Infrastructure and Locations in Indonesia

Publikasi mahasiswa: Understanding the Acceptance of Digital Payment by Micro- and Small-scale Business in Indonesia

Publikasi mahasiswa: Understanding the Acceptance of Digital Payment by Micro- and Small-scale Business in Indonesia

A Post-Postmodern Employer Concerns: Job Hoppers

A Post-Postmodern Employer Concerns: Job Hoppers

Webinar: Modern Supply Chain

Webinar: Modern Supply Chain

Webinar: Ideation in Writing

Webinar: Ideation in Writing

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