Keyword: Magister

Risk Management for Backlog Work Order in Petrochemical Company

Risk Management for Backlog Work Order in Petrochemical Company

Publikasi mahasiswa: Palm oil-based biodiesel industry sustainability model using dynamic systems to balance food, energy, and export allocations

Publikasi mahasiswa: Palm oil-based biodiesel industry sustainability model using dynamic systems to balance food, energy, and export allocations

Peran Industrial Engineering pada era Industry 4.0

Peran Industrial Engineering pada era Industry 4.0

Low cost carriers connectivity at major airport

Low cost carriers connectivity at major airport

Introduction to IOT and its application in Industry

Introduction to IOT and its application in Industry

ChatGPT: A *Good* Copy Editor with Some Limitations

ChatGPT: A *Good* Copy Editor with Some Limitations

Guest Lecture: Prof Dhanan Utomo

Guest Lecture: Prof Dhanan Utomo

Student paper: Discrete event simulation in hospital

Student paper: Discrete event simulation in hospital

Bagaimana menentukan topik thesis dalam bidang teknik industri?

Bagaimana menentukan topik thesis dalam bidang teknik industri?

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